- P Kyle McClellan designated for assignment
- P Josh Lindblom recalled from AAA
NOTES: Trading one “meh” for another.
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
NOTES: Trading one “meh” for another.
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
NOTES: Craig Gentry goes on the DL with a fracture in his left hand. He hasn’t exactly been tearing it up, but hasn’t been bad, either. Always hate to see that. It does however, open a window for Engel Beltre. If Beltre comes up and does well, I think between that and the way Leonys Martin has been playing this year it might spell the end of David Murphy’s time here. Murph hasn’t exactly helped himself this year, either. We’ll see how this goes.
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
NOTES: Martin Perez is back. I hope he can get a handle on a starting spot in the rotation, as he was looking REALLY good in the spring before he got hurt. If he kept going at the rate he was then, I wonder if he’d have like 10 wins by now if he had never gotten hurt. Bring it on Martin!
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
NOTES: Well, Lindblom has been “eh”, so I guess we felt we were OK with swapping a pitcher for a hitter, as that’s what happened. Moreland is back, hopefully he can keep doing well, and the loss of momentum doesn’t affect him.
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
An event in last night’s game made me think INSTANTLY of Nolan Ryan. So I screen grabbed a shot of them together from the TV, and slapped it on here. Made me laugh. Click it for a larger version.
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
NOTES: McGuinness wasn’t doing much, so he was an obvious candidate to go to AAA if someone had to go. Jeff Baker going to the DL is unfortunate, I’ve rather liked how he’s been going. Smokin’ Joe is back (I’m still calling him that – pbbbbt), probably due to bullpen fatigue. I’m not entirely sure why they called up a third catcher at the moment, though.
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
NOTES: Kinsler is back from his stint on the disabled list. Given our offense has been pretty lethargic the last week or so, his arrival could help. Assuming he doesn’t pop out 70% of the time like he usually does.
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
I’ll get straight to the point. After much consideration, I’ve decided to stop doing the daily updates here.
Since I dropped cable TV, my ability to keep up with Rangers games has been really impacted. Those who have followed my site would have heard me rant about that. However, one thing that also has changed a lot since last season is the fact that I am working again. That has taken up more of my time than I anticipated. I tend to work strange hours, and my need to timeshift the games is even more of an issue than it was before. Before, I could get away with it, because I wasn’t working, and could devote more time to the games, especially since I had to listen to them when they happened due to radio. Work has impacted that more than I thought it would.
I tried this season to keep it going, but about 3 times, I’ve fallen behind on updates of like 10 games. When the team has played only 64 – that’s a lot. When I fell behind most recently, I started thinking of doing the catch up work and quite frankly, I just didn’t want to. Most of the games during the week I just miss totally anymore. What time I get in the evenings that I’m not working is now spent with my kids and wife. That’s NO complaint, just a reality. They deserve my time more than the baseball games do. By the time I’m done with them, the games are over. There’s been a game or two in the last few weeks that I got notified via email it was over, and I didn’t even realize they were playing. I also realized that I never updated my roster page once the team broke camp back at the end of Spring Training. That’s fallen way behind, and right now I don’t have really have the desire (much less the time) to go through all that and update it.
Due to all this, I’ve decided this is the time to stop trying to force myself to do daily updates. The above is why. However, I’m not stopping cold turkey. I’m not taking the site down. I will leave it here, I’ve put a lot of work into this since I started in December 1998. Going forward, I will still maintain these parts:
Plus, when the mood strikes, I’ll say something. But it’s obvious to anyone that I’ve pulled back, but in my mind I still saw it as something that needed to be updated every day. By releasing myself from that, I think I can enjoy the thing a bit more, and perhaps not stress out so much about missing bits. I’m still going to follow the team, I’m still going to be paying attention where I can (given the boundaries I set out above). I’m still going to be a Rangers fan, and I’m keeping up, just not as visibly on these pages.
Thanks to all who have visited me over the years, and as I said – not going away, just changing focus. Go visit me and a lot of other great Rangers fans on our Facebook Texas Rangers Fan Page.
Thanks, and God Bless You!
Posted by Joe Siegler on at
NOTES: Michael Kirkman was placed on the DL for a reason you don’t want to be. Nobody WANTS to be on the DL, but especially not this. re-occurrence of his cutaneous lymphoma. Uh, cancer. That is a big ol’ pile of suck right there. Will pray for him to get better. I’ve known a few people with that, unfortunately. Kyle McClellan, who’s been doing well in AAA lately, gets the call to replace him on the roster. Joaqum Soria got transferred from 15 to 60 day DL in a procedural move.
NOTES: Well, Ogando just came back, and now he’s gone again. That always strikes me as a “came back too fast” move. There’s some noise in the press that when he comes back, he might go back to the bullpen – for good. I thought we had decided this already. Is he turning into our own Joba Chamberlin? Lindblom comes back, who hasn’t exactly thrilled me this season. We’ll see how it goes.