Nowadways, everything is “The Ameriquest this”, or “The Fox Sports that”, to the “Verizon Wireless call to the Bullpen” or some such crap like that, I managed to find a sponsorship that really surprised me and made me roll my eyes driving home.
As some of you may know, I have XM Radio. I bought it because they now have the MLB Package where you can listen to every game (although not every broadcast, you only get the home feeds). My usual drive home from work is during 6PM to 630, depending on when I actually leave work. For Ranger games that start at 7, I can’t hear that, so I flip through the east coast games which have started.
So I’m listening to a Yankees game for a few minutes – they have a female radio announcer, so that kind of stops me, as it’s not something you usually hear. They’re doing the bit where “This game is copyrighted to the New York Yankees, and any rebroadcast.. bla, bla, bla”. Well, guess what?
Right after the announcement, some New York Law Firm’s ad blurb was read by the woman. I couldn’t believe it. The “This game is copyrighted” speech had a corporate sponsor. I wonder when we’ll see corporate sponsors for those wrist guards players wear like battle armor, or sponsors for the belt buckles on their uniforms!