One of my good friends lives in Seattle, and is a Red Sox fan. One of those ones who, if he could afford it, give up his job and follow them on the road like they were the Grateful Dead. ;) Anyway, he sent me this comment about the Rangers broadcasts. I wanted to pass it along, to let people know that others appreciate our guys here, locally.
The games notwithstanding, I had the occasion to listen to your radio team over the course of this series as XM only plays the home team radio broadcast. I liked the work those two guys do. I think they do a good job and were easy to listen to. Thumbs up.
UPDATE: After I posted this, I IM’ed the guy and told him I posted it. He then went on and had a few more kind things to say. From the words he used, he seemed to be mostly describing stuff Eric Nadel has done for years.
They really are (great) though, Joe. They paint a picture of the game, instead of talking about nonsense all the way through, with occasional game updates. I like guys that immerse me in the game, that’s what I want, to have a description that lets me paint a mental picture. He described stances, swing types, weather, eveything. So, so good at his craft. And I mean that, craft. He is one of two guys that have ever told me that the team is wearing red tops today,as they do every Saturday at home. Only two guys in the league pick that stuff up.