The gods don’t want us to have local beat coverage, do they?
First this offseason we lost our DMN beat writers. In a cost cutting move, it was decided to do away with the DMN guys, and go with just the Ft Worth Star Telegram guys. Which is fine, so long as someone is doing it.
Then tonight came the news that the Ft Worth Star Telegram may not survive the current recession! That has all kinds of larger implications, but the amusing part about it to a Rangers fan is that those guys just picked up the banner of local coverage.
Fortunately, we have D Magazine to thank for picking up Evan Grant for beat coverage, but one would think if the Telegram goes away, the DMN beat guys would get rehired. I would imagine if the FTST goes away, the DMN might expand to be a metroplex wide newspaper, I can’t imagine Ft Worth without a newspaper at all.
I wonder if they could hire the beat writers from the Dallas Times Herald?
Okay Joe, I forgot you have not lived here your entire life. Dallas used to be a two newspaper city. The Dallas Times Herald was an afternoon paper that folded in 1991.