I received a flyer from the Rangers yesterday for 2009 full and half season ticket plans. Unless I win the lottery, I’m not doing THAT. But, it does have one thing in it I had not seen before. 2009 ticket prices. One would think that with the economy in the toilet, that they wouldn’t raise any prices. Not so. Almost all of them are going up in some capacity. The majority of the increases are small (on the order of a dollar), and almost all of them are in the “Premium Game” group. Still, I broke out a 2008 pocket schedule, and compared it to the 2009 flyer. Here’s what I found:
Changed ticket prices:
Section | 2008 | 2009 | 2008P | 2009P | Change |
Cuervo Club (the leather seats in the bar) | $125 | $125 | $134 | $140 | 0 / +$6 (P) |
Premium Infield (18-34 First 1/3 of rows, – the first 2-3) | $75 | $80 | $84 | $95 | +$5 / $15 (P) |
Lexus Club Infield (222-230) | $70 | $70 | $79 | $85 | 0 / $6 (P) |
Lower Infield (18-34 The rest of the rows) | $60 | $65 | $69 | $80 | +$5 / +$15 (P) |
Lower Box (14-17, 35,38, 115-136) | $50 | $50 | $59 | $60 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Lexus Club Box (217-221, 231-235) | $45 | $45 | $54 | $55 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Corner Box (10-13, 39-42, 112-114, 137-139) | $33 | $33 | $42 | $43 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Lower Reserved (3-9, 44-49) | $25 | $25 | $29 | $30 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Lexus Club Terrace (201-216, 236-245) | $25 | $25 | $29 | $30 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Upper Home Run Porch (246-252) | $15 | $15 | $19 | $20 | 09 is "Guess" – see notes |
Upper Box (316-335, Rows 1-12) | $20 | $20 | $24 | $25 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Bleachers (50-54) | $16 | $16 | $20 | $21 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Upper Reserved (308-315, 336-338, 316-335 Rows 13 & Up) | $15 | $15 | $19 | $20 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
Grandstand Reserved (301-307 (SUN!), 339-345) | $6 | $6 | $10 | $11 | 0 / +$1 (P) |
A few notes. The Commissioner’s Box and the VIP Infield sections are listed as N/A. That’s presumably because you can’t buy them on the fly, they’re usually dignitaries, or are already gone, so I’m not surprised those aren’t listed.
The Upper Home Run Porch has N/A as it’s prices in this chart, which I find odd, as that never sells out – unless the entire game is sold out. Not even close. Given the prices I’ve seen in this comparison, I have to imagine it’s the same as the others. The regular price is the same, and the premium is up $1. That’s why I have “guess” in the chart above.
The Premium games are listed as:
- April 6 (Indians – Home Opener)
- May 16 (Angels, Saturday game, not sure why this one)
- May 25-27 (Yankees)
- June 13 (Dodgers, Saturday Interleague game)
- June 27 (Padres, Saturday Interleague game)
- July 18 (Twins, Saturday game, not sure why this one)
- July 20-22 (Red Sox)
- August 1 (Mariners, Saturday game, not sure why this one)
- August 14-16 (Red Sox)
I’m sure if this gets covered at all in the press, the Rangers response will be something like “90% of the tickets are going up only $1 and only for 16 games”. They’re right mostly – the majority of people won’t be affected too much.
But still. This is just more evidence that the team still doesn’t GET IT. They want less empty seats? Either win, or cut your prices. Don’t sneak tiny price hikes out there like this.
Bet you beer goes up another quarter, too.
In the last line, you have $10 for 2009, and $6 for 2008P. Should these amounts be reversed?
When I take my kids, I usually pay for the cheap seats, and move somewhere in the shade (and away from other fans so my kids don’t bother them).
I hope they don’t raise parking, too. $12 is too much.
Thanks for the info, Joe.
Yup, you’re right. Fixed. Thanks.
I was a season ticket holder for the past two seasons. I didn’t go to a lot of the games and the tickets I didn’t give to friends, I sold on eBay or StubHub.
I will not be buying season tickets this season. I made this decision before this downfall in the economy. The decision was made because the team is horrible.
As an student of Economics, I don’t believe a lower ticket price would lead to the seats being filled. A great team fills the seats. And the people of the metroplex realize that you can go see a great game with the Roughrides, Air Hogs, or Cats in FW.
As for the $1 raise in the Premium games, before I analyze the price: for the games you’re not sure why they are premium, looks like those will be games with post or pre-game concerts as that is how it worked last year.
Most of the games I did attend last year were the premium games and of course they seemed to be crowds of 35,000+, so the Rangers are okay with raising the prices $1. Demand goes up while supply stays the same = rising prices.
As a fan I do want to see lower ticket prices, but you have to understand a key reason why certain teams have what seem to be high ticket prices. If they lowered ticket prices enough, ticket brokers/scalpers would buy a large chunk of tickets. Less supply from the Rangers would lead to higher prices charged by the brokers. Think about if JerryWorld tickets weren’t so expensive. If the Cowboys lowered the prices, the average football fan would really have no chance to go to a game.
One thing I have learned by selling my tickets on eBay or Stubhub, there are great ticket deals out there. Towards the end of the season when all hope was lost, I ended up selling 2 lower level tickets behind homeplate with a parking pass for $1. So there are plenty of opportunities for cheap tickets.
The Rangers offer many specials throughout the year as well. I love baseball with a passion and will continue to go to the ballpark regardless how horrible the team is. I just like to watch baseball.
Enjoy reading your site and look forward to reading this coming season. Keep up the good work.
Oh, I know how to play the system to get cheap tickets. It’s the only way I go anymore. There’s only one game I pay regular price and not care. Opening Day. Playoffs would be the same if we ever got back there. :) One of the best secrets is the Jr Rangers Kids club. Look it up, you’ll see what I mean.
“I don’t believe a lower ticket price would lead to the seats being filled. A great team fills the seats”
I agree with that in principle. However, for the folks who DO come out regularly, constantly creeping ticket prices are something that just builds more and more irritation with the team.
Having said all this, I finally now have a new HDTV at home, and that makes me less inclined to want to drive out to the park.
Warrior_00 is a typical fair weather fan, your a fan if you go whether they are winnig or not.