I don’t know if you know of a game called Baseball Mogul or not. It’s a rather fun baseball game where you get to uber-micro manage a team. Set contracts, lineups, hot dog and ice cream prices, build a new stadium, move your team, etc, etc, etc. It’s a (mostly) text based game, and is a great way to pass some time if you’re into baseball.
You can read some more about it on Wikipedia here or on the official page for it here. Please note that this link will not get you the free game, just read it for info – the free link is later on in this post.
Anyway, to celebrate the playoffs, the program’s author (Clay Dreslough) has decided to give away last year’s edition of the game (2007) for free. All you need to do is go to the website and download it. The current edition is the 2008 version, but there’s nothing wrong with the 2007 edition if you don’t have it, or perhaps have an older version. The catch is that once the World Series is over, the offer is gone. The page with the free download is here.
I’ve been a fan of this game for many a year, and have bought many editions of it. If you’ve never tried it, I suggest grabbing the free download here – it’s the full game, just not the 2008 edition. There is a demo available for the 2008 version too, but that is limited to one season; this 2007 is the whole shebang.
If you’re into stats, numbers, and “sim” games – then you will probably like this. Give it a try.
Have you played this game/series? Let me know in the comments here.
blah, this sounds really cool but i barely have enough time to do things i actually HAVE to do.