If you are seeing this message, then you are seeing the new look for my site. The look that I used to have was not one I was terribly happy with from the moment I launched it. A few weeks back, Six Apart, the folks who make the software that drives this site (Movable Type) launched a new v4 beta. It’s got a boatload of new features that would make the way I do this site an awful lot easier.
One of the things in the new software package was a bunch of new themes, and I took the opportunity to use that as a key to redesign the site. This is mostly stock software actually – the theme has some customizations (the header graphic, the baseballs), but is mostly “out of the box”. Their “out of the box” is a lot better than it used to be. :) Big thanks to Thijs Leenders for his help with the graphics.
One of the larger more updated sections is my seat selector section. It’s something I started on my own in 1999 on this site, years before the Rangers did it themselves. But this new version lets me cut a lot of waste out of the site. You see in the old version I had three editions of the seat selector (regular, large, extra large). There was an HTML page for each version, because I used to show the images as a pop-up. There are 177 sections in the ballpark, with another 25 or so hidden areas, so there’s roughly 600 HTML pages. This new version does it very differently, so I could drop the popups, saving myself conversdion of 600 HTML pages. Plus the new version of the site just looks a lot cooler.
I’ve cleaned up text formatting, just done a lot of cool stuff to make everything look nicer. I hope you think the same.
One change though – if you were reading the site’s updates via an RSS reader, you may need to resubscribe, as the rss feed url has changed depending on which format you were using in the past. Additionally, if you want to leave comments, you will have to log in and create an account. For some reason Typekey isn’t working, that could be a bug, as this is still technically beta software. If you have any questions about using the new software, let me know via email.
I’ll also be looking at the forums and the gallery to see if I can style them the same and make ’em look more like the “main site”. I also need to fix the captcha issue in the forums, as well as here. Edit: Nevermind – fixed it on the forums. Now I need to fix it in MT.
Thanks again for visiting. Glad you took the time to come.