I was out this evening, and unfortunately, I had come home from my bowling league and saw the score by accident before I had watched any of the game, darnit. But I didn’t miss any Rangers highlights; there weren’t any!
The only baserunner we had all game was Sammy Sosa, who walked to lead off the fifth, but was picked off. Mark Buehrle faced 27. If it wasn’t for Sosa, the game would have been perfect. The last time this happened was the final game of the 1984 season, when we had a no hitter thrown against us. Buehrle also struck out eight, throwing 106 pitches in all.
Gotta tip your hat to that. There’s really nothing else to say.

UPDATE: The White Sox fan site “Sox Machine” has a rather interesting breakdown of the no hitter. Check it out, even if he incorrectly refers to soda as “pop”. ;)