I’ve been playing baseball games since the 70’s when baseball games looked like this on the Atari 2600:

Now baseball games look like this:

The second screenshot is from the Xbox 360 version of “Major League Baseball 2K7” from 2K Sports, which is due in March.
I’ve been following this series since it was called World Series Baseball and it started on Xbox 1. It’s now called “MLB 2kx”, and a lot of reports called last year’s game a failure. I personally didn’t see that, but the developer took a lot of steps to make sure this year’s edition (and future ones) got significantly better. They hired the lead developer from 2K’s biggest competition, EA’s baseball game, which was generally regarded as better when they lost their license due to EA getting it. By all accounts, this year’s edition should be significantly better. The problem I suppose with last year’s edition is that nothing on it really seemed like it was ‘next gen worthy’.
But this certainly does. And that’s why I’m talking now. I will spend many an hour with this game when it comes out, as should you if you play video games and like baseball. The primary reason I started this entry was that I discovered tonight that the lead designer of MLB 2K7 has started a blog at gaming site 1up.com where he will be talking about the game. It’s definitely worth a read, check it out here: http://mlb2k7.1up.com. Additionally, there’s several eye popping new screenshots out, you can check out that archive here. There’s several previews for the game out at IGN, IGN again, Gamespot, amongst others. There’s also the official website at 2K.
The game is scheduled to come out on March 5th for the following platforms:
You can click on any of those to pre-order a copy at Amazon.com.
I really wish they had done a Wii version – I found that the Wii controller system was excellent for the copy of Madden 2007 I have for the Wii. I would hope we’d get a real baseball game for the Wii with the 2k8 edition, and not the tech demo baseball game that comes with that console. Anyway, I’ll be playing on the Xbox 360, that’s my platform of choice.
Take a look at the links and previews above – the game looks impressive.
That figures, I just bought a Wii.