As you can see if you’re reading this (unless you’re reading on RSS, or are reading one one of those sports leech sites that bring in news from everywhere else and bypass us, the original author), I’ve changed my site layout..
I moved the site into a template based system back in April when this season started. That makes changing things around easier to do, since all I need to do is change the css and templates. While the site has had always had a minimalistic look to it which I’ve liked, it has had an inconsistant font design. Various sections had different looks to them. I’m aiming to change that. I’ve kept the overall minimalistic layout, but I now have a more consistant font control.
There’s a few things that haven’t been changed. They are:
- The Forums – I’m undecided if I want to put the forums in this template layout. It would require “squashing” them to put the menu on the right there. Otherwise it should be pretty easy.
- The Photo Gallery – That, like movable type here, is template driven. However, gallery is a lot more complicated with it’s template work. I might leave well enough alone.
There is also one known issue. It’s this new “date image” thing I have. It looks fine in Firefox, but looks weird in Internet Explorer. While I think everyone should use Firefox, I do know it should look right in IE – even if IE does’t interpret the HTML properly. I’ll look at that later, but just to let you know I’m aware of that.
I really would appreciate feedback on the new site layout, please leave a comment here. Also, thanks to “RedSplat” for doing that date bar image.
I think the new look is OK. I also who heartiley agree that everyone should give Firefox a try. IE was past the point of ruining my experience on the internet. I don’t know what it is that they do that’s so wrong, but hopefully Mozilla will NEVER go down that same path.
I like it… nice job