Well, that was frustrating. After starting off the top of the first inning 3-0, it went downhill pretty quickly. Ricardo Rodriguez was out of the game in the first inning, which is never a good sign. Ricardo’s ERA for just this game was 54.00 – ACK! I thought we had seen some stinking piles of pitching garbage before, but this one took the cake. In fact, due to the debacle that was last night’s pitching, I’m ready to throw in the towel. As those who regularly read my site know, I’ve not been one to give up the season. Now I am. Given how horrendous our pitching situation has degenerated into, I see no hope, and even if we do make it in somehow, we’ll get destroyed in the playoffs, so yeah – I’ve given up on post season for 2005. I could be surprised, and I’d be overjoyed if I was totally wrong, but I don’t see any hope anymore for this year.
Offensively, we had hits all over the place. 16 of them, and every starter had at least one. Blalock had the most with three. Blalock also lead with 2 RBI. Also, in an interesting non Rangers kind of stat, we had no home runs – the first time that’s happened in a game in awhile, and only like the third time all season, if I remember right.
On a fun note, it’s always great to hear the clang of a ball hitting up against the Green Monster in Fenway. Is it me, or has that gotten louder lately? I wonder if someone has stuck a microphone out there to amplify the sound of when that happens. It’s kind of like when a ball hits a foul pole, the sound we get on TV seems so much louder than you would think it should be.
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yeah this season has been a major dissapointmen. While there has been some players that have stepped up to the challenge(teixeira, m. young, c. young, soriano, gary, delluici, and mench) there have also been those that have been a big dissapointment(r. drese is a big one, cordero isn’t the pitcher he was last year, the brian shouse and ron mahay tandem has been a huge dissapointment, rod barajas isn’t having the year he should be, doug brocail was supposed to be our #1 guy out of the bullpen after carlos and frank got injured, blalock is getting there but he’s still not like he was last year, and hidalgo) you can blame a little bit on hard luck and injuries (carlos, frank, laynce, colbrunn) but there really is no excuse for all these players having an off year, especially when you go from one of the best bullpens to one of the worst. thats what kept us goin last year, this lineup and the ability to come back when a starter didn’t do his job.