Ricardo Rodriguez continues his streak – he now has 15.1 consecutive innings of shutout baseball – look out Orel! ;) Seriously, it was nice to see two really great performances in a row from him – could he be the third to the Rogers/Drese front end of the rotation? I hope so. If he is, it would have to really cheese off the Indians, as both Drese and Rodriguez used to be their property. Rrod went 6.1 scoreless innings tonight. They weren’t exactly easy, though – only the first was 1-2-3. Several times they had two guys on base, but Rrod managed to get out of all of them. Our bullpen in this game (Shouse, Francisco, Mahay) combined to throw 2.2 innings of hitless relief – something really nice to see.
Offensively, we didn’t have much going on at all. We only had six hits. Three of them were from Soriano, two from Mike Young, and one from Mark Teixeira – a three run blast in the fourth that whizzed right by the group of folks I was with in Section 10; that looked cool. We were out-hit 8-6 in this game, but we got the W, which is what counted.
As I mentioned above, there was a group of us at this game tonight. I organized this with several folks from my forums, and there were 19 of us out in Section 10 tonight. Technically, that doesn’t count as a group by the rules, but my ticket guy said it wasn’t worth losing the sale over a single ticket, so he got me in with 19. It was nice putting some faces to everyone, and while I didn’t get to talk to everyone as much as I would have liked, I had a great time. We had two rows of seats (one of 8 seats, and one of 11 – this was one of those angled sections with odd rows, the one in front had just two seats in it), so that made it hard to be able to talk to everyone, which is what I had wanted to do. I might try and do this again before the end of the season, do this in a game in September. To all of you who came, thank you – I really enjoyed myself. Too bad about the mob scene at the Rawlings Grill. The place really is good, but they get overwhelmed when 43,000 people show up. :)
One other thing – someone there asked me about the software I use on my Palm to score games. It’s called Scorepad, and you can check it out here. It’s not cheap if you want the whole enchilada, but for what I do with it, I felt it was worth it.