I didn’t see most of this game, as I was watching my hometown Philadelphia Eagles whoop up on the Washington Redskins on Monday Night Football. I did see the latter stages of the game though. I was bummed I missed Pudge getting ejected, it looked like quite a scene, especially with him flipping off the umpire. The DMN says that he could be in line for a suspension, but we’ll see if that happens.
Anyway, we managed a comeback against Kaz Sasaki in the 9th (who doesn’t look as impressive this year for some reason). However, our usual problem turned itself up late. Too many walks. In fact, we had 13 walks over the 11 innings, the last one being the worst, as it gave the Mariners the win. Normally I don’t like saying “Let’s end this season”, but since the Rangers seem unwilling to NOT use Rich Rodriguez, I’ll be glad when the season is over so I don’t have to look at him pitch for us (hopefully never again). In fact, all 6 of our pitchers walked at least one Mariner – yeesh.
No home runs at all in this game, which isn’t surprising with the ballpark we were playing in, but what was surprising was how ineffective Arod was last night. He had several opportunities to drive in quite a few runs, and did nothing – that was a bummer. Always love to see Arod stick it to the Mariners. In fact, if he’s gonna hit 60, he needs to get going, as there’s now 12 games left for him to get 5 home runs. 6 home runs to tie Maris’ AL record for home runs.
Additional game commentary is available here.